As long-standing consultants and coaches with an extensive business background at CEO level/lead, we focus on working with executives and business teams.
We help you to recognize and activate your personal potential. We focus on the emotional connection between man and horse.
In management training, we focus entirely on the topic of leadership. Working with us and our horses, you will learn to use your full potential as a manager.
In our team-building training, the focus is entirely on optimizing processes and cooperation in your team.
In one-to-one coaching, we focus on your individual concerns. In a preliminary discussion, you tell us your concerns or we define it together.
As a certified business mediator, we work with teams, two people or individuals to resolve conflicts and in change processes.
Set goals, discover learning fields, what should be the topic.
This results in profound experiences and insights. These are made visible to the participants through the reaction of the horse and the "translation" of the coach.
We accompany you with targeted questions and methods of intervention and reflection.
We record the coaching on video. This gives you an "outside" view of your campaign. We evaluate together.
Solutions and next steps are worked out and agreed together. We help you to find the solution yourself. The transfer into your everyday life/everyday work is established. Result backup!
After a jointly determined time, we meet for the "follow-up appointment": consolidation of the results and learning, transfer check and security, new insights, space for something new.
Each coaching is individually coordinated and carried out.
Please just talk to us.